New in 22! A connection initially made through Kyla's work, with Yarrabah Arts and Cultural Centre in 2018, has led to our Darwin store launching a new collection of woven earrings and gifts as part of National Reconciliation Week.
Candid Raffia, is a start up enterprise by Kyla Hedanek, with a range of handmade woven earrings, decorative wall pieces, baskets and keyrings all made with raffia. All gifts are made with kindness on Anangu country.
Kyla shares more of her one-of-a-kindness story with us here...
How would you describe ways that you give back / pay it forward in our community?
Kyla is a Guest Service Agent and studying at the Ayers Rock Resort, by investing in Candid Raffia as a 100% Indigenous owned business, you are supporting her career pathways and ability to pay it forward for family and community.
What is your one-of-a-kindness story?
Kyla is a Mandingalbay Yidinji & Gimuy Wallaburra Yidinji woman from Yarrabah and Cairns, Far North Queensland. As an emerging artist she was a part of the Yarrabah Arts & Cultural Precinct team which is where a love for art and creating kicked off. Over the years Kyla was fortunate enough to observe & learn the art of weaving raffia and pandanus (Yukal) from artists in residence and that is what encouraged the start of her own weaving enterprise. Whilst studying and working fulltime Kyla started weaving in her spare time as a hobby, launching her business Candid Raffia in December 2021.
Can you share with us a story of how you care for country?
The handmade woven earrings, decorative wall pieces, baskets and keyrings were made with raffia (dyed & un-dyed) sourced from Oxlades Art Supplies, Raffia Connection and even self-dyed. The handwoven raffia earrings, wall pieces, baskets and keyrings were made on Anangu country and are an eco-friendly option for art you can wear and art you can use.