K is for Kreative...
Karina (kreative)
Since October 2020, Kreative Karina has been based at our Darwin store on weekends as an Artist in Residence. We invite you to drop by and say hi and find out how her services can support your vision.
Karina Kassman comes from Darwin, Northern Territory. She is a proud Papuan (Papua New Guinea) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander woman.
Karina is a Darwin based artist, she shares her art through photography, drawing, painting and graphic design, which is featured throughout our website. As she grows her consulting practice we have been collaborating to provide services to both our corporate clients and our collective. In 2020 this included co-designing and implementing the BC+ Initiative.
Her artwork is inspired by her family, culture community and her travels. It is a story her family has told; it is marks, lines and memories that she seen and captured.
Karina says from a young age, she watched her family create beauty around her, it was sisters drawing, her brother building, and it was mother stripping coconut leaves to make brooms and scaping coconuts to make hair oil. This was the start of her art journey and the inspirations of her art today.
Today Karina juggles work, photography and design. Starwin is supporting Karina with her start up for her own enterprise 'Kreative Karina' . She loves sharing her art pieces to the world whenever she can through social media.
Linktree at https://linktr.ee/kreativekarina
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Karina is the designer behind our first collection of MK Eco gifts. Starwin mentored Karina in her workplace in 2018 and is honoured to be able to work with her as she grows her enteprise. Supporting more women in enterprise is part of our 2021 Vision: The Power of One.