ReTelling Country: Jamutakari Jewellery

Regular price $80.00
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In the Tiwi seasonal calendar, Jamutakari is the wet season when pakitiringa (rain) falls consistently every day and the swamps, creeks and rivers are full.
Wunijaka, the northwest wind blows and brings rain. There is much pumurali (lightning) and thunder with the rain.
Maker Story...
Introducing ReTelling Country - a new enterprise by our team member, and young Tiwi leader, Sharniqua Oxtoby.
ReTelling Country is a collection of small, handmade creations representing Sharniqua's connection to country and culture in the tropical north.
Her first collection is a series of woven earrings, using traditional techniques taught by Aunty Sandy from the Wangatunga Strong Women's group.
A Two-Kind production, Sharniqua has received women's business mentoring support from our collective, who are dedicated to creating career pathways and investing in the next generation.
We hope this one-of-a-kindness collection inspires you too!
📷 @retelling_country x @kreative_karina_art