Yirrikipayi Story By MK: Overall Dress

Regular price $70.00
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The Ruth collection: handmade organic clothing for kids.
Each item has been made with kindness by Boab Bub. Inspired by artwork, painted by MK Palipuaminni with guidance from Rhoda Hammer at Waralungku Arts, 2021. Printed in Australia on a blend of recycled linen and organic cotton fabric. In the spirit of kindness, proceeds are supporting on country learning for little ones at Indi Kindy in Borroloola, NT.
MK is the great-granddaughter of Ruth Friday, with Yanyuwa and Tiwi bloodlines.
From MK: "These clothes are special, made from my painting I did at Borroloola. These animals help me remember my families and those who passed away. We will respect animals, country and ancestors."
- A Joy. Ray. Flo. legacy project
- Logo and tags by Tiwi designer: Clair Helen
- Photography by: Kreative Karina