Waralungku Arts Tree Decorations: Pods

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Hand carved and painted by Rhoda Hammer as decorations for your Christmas tree.
Maker story
Waralungku Arts is an Indigenous art centre located in the remote town of Borroloola, NT.
It is not-for-profit, and fully owned and governed by local artists. Waralungku Arts represents artists the from four main language groups – Yanyuwa, Garrawa, Marra and Gurdanji.
The leading Borroloola artists explore a range of themes in their work including the life and the history of the community, wider political views and environmental concerns and also (very often) simply the distinctive beauty of the surrounding landscape.
Waralungku Arts ensures Fair Trade practices for all their artists – with 70% of the purchase price goes directly the artist, whilst the remaining thirty percent is used to generate supplies and host activities at the centre.