* Coming Soon *
Paperbark Canoe designed bedding and homewares is one of the eight designs in a newly launched collaboration between Bábbarra x Kip & Co. We are honoured to be invited to a part of it.
(excerpt from the release...)
It’s here, after two years in the making. The collection showcasing the contemporary art of artists at Bábbarra.
'I feel good Australia will see my design and know my story. The Bábbarra ladies are so strong. We have the strongest ladies at the women’s centre. We always work together, and feel proud of our work here,’ shares Raylene.
“We know that when women are financially empowered, the flow on effects for children and families are significant. This project was the idea of the Bábbarra women, who have long wanted to have their designs featured on a bed linen range. It was their idea, and a significant consideration was made to ensure the artists’ interests were positioned first".
Bábbarra and Kip & Co divide all profits from this collaboration equally.
Sign up for our newsletter and keep connected via our our socials to find out how you can purchase the collection.