A case study: Golf NT
Our vision is to collaborate with community leaders to create change. We do this by creating career pathways, with a focus on women and girls.
Here is an example of how we worked with a community led, not-for-profit entity to grow their sport and change their game...
Starwin's project briefs included: strategic planning, business case development, program design, income generation
Back in 2014, Starwin were invited by Golf NT to work to develop their strategic plan for 2014 to 2017. This was a 'Game Plan: from grass roots to green jackets'
After they worked on implementing this successfully, we followed up to update the strategic plan and develop a more progressive growth strategy for 2018-2021. This was done in alignment with the National Sporting Plan and Golf Australia's plans, with a research and evidence base.
This also included developing a business case and preparing a submission for Golf NT to pilot a program focused on developing golf in regional and remote areas, with a focus on girls. We co-designed a hub model that built capacity at grass roots.
This was ground breaking for sport in the NT and indeed nationally. NT Government provided funding support to launch the initiative.
As a result, Golf NT saw their participation numbers and volunteer numbers rocket (specific statistical reports are available). Girls became the game's greatest ambassadors in the NT. By the nature of where they worked, this was largely led by Indigenous engagement. When Golf Australia launched a new national structure and vision, there was a primary focus on girls and women, and NT was already leading the way with this.
Golf Australia (NT) continue to grow this initiative, embedded as core business now, and we are thrilled to see young women have more opportunities to engage in active recreation socially and competitively across the NT. This has opened up career pathways as players, coaches and administrators for women to do what they love, on the country they love.

From Vicki Bridge, Administration Manager...
"Working with Karina and Starwin was a learning and enlightening experience. We met on a number of occasions and discussed many topics. Karina has a special knack for extracting the right information through conversation rather than just peppering questions and hearing answers. Karina was then able to organise all of our thoughts and goals into cohesive and succinct documents. The most important and rewarding aspect has been that our goals were achievable and measurable. This work has lead us on a journey which continues today.
It was absolutely fantastic to see Katelyn Rika achieve a US College scholarship – I think she is a shining example of what we are trying to achieve, and proves that you can come from any town in a remote place in Australia and still achieve your dreams."
Nationally, Golf Australia have now released their 'Vision 2025: the future of women and girls in golf' on a national level that focuses on growing inclusivity and equity in the sport, with dedicated resources. Find out more.
We thank Brett Rankin (now at Cricket NSW), Vicki Bridge and Ravin Du Plessis (now at Swimming NT) who invited us to work with Golf NT. We acknowledge the vision of the board members and key volunteers like Esther Rika in supporting the growth of the strategy.
If you are interested in finding out more about our Consulting service, e: karina@starwin.com.au